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Across the Curriculum

N.W.T to complete curriculum transition by 2028, a ‘sad commentary’ for Alberta

Younger students face further risk of learning loss amid Omicron surge

Albertans rally against province’s proposed K-6 curriculum

‘Looks like something from the 1950s’: Ditch the Draft protests held across Alberta

Protesters call for Alberta government to scrap K-6 draft curriculum

‘Ditch the Draft’ rallies held across Alberta in protest against K-6 draft curriculum

Calgarians join province-wide ‘Ditch the Draft’ protests against UCP curriculum plans

Opinion: New curriculum will undermine education in Alberta

Latest Alberta K-6 curriculum update addresses some concerns but fails the test: experts

Curriculum debate ‘partisan and ideologically driven’ SACPA told

Opinion: It’s time ditch to Alberta’s ‘Frankenstein’ draft curriculum

This Is ‘Kenneyism’ (The Tyee)

Alberta unveils new tutoring videos but some experts find them ‘problematic.’ (CTV News Edmonton)

Changes being made by UCP government concerning

Education advocates at Calgary rally call for full delay in curriculum implementation

Public education rally draws a crowd as Albertans take shots at the UCP

LaGrange delays most of new K-6 curriculum

Computing Science

Experts say Alberta’s coding curriculum welcome, but it won’t compute without investing in tech

Opinion: Draft curriculum adds vital building blocks for computer science

Critical Thinking

Opinion: Alberta’s draft curriculum doesn’t set up students for success

Opinion: Alberta’s draft curriculum provides strong base for critical thinking

By forgetting about thinking, Alberta’s curriculum draft misses the mark

English Language Arts and Literature

Opinion: Alberta moving forward with a flawed language arts draft curriculum

Why does the ATA fail to support the reading curriculum that works wonders with students?

New Alberta curriculum would overload young learners when what they need is balance

Francophone Perspectives

Francopresse: Éducation en Alberta: l’identité des francophone bafouée

L’Alberta dévoile une nouvelle ébauche de son programme scolaire


UCP government pushing ahead with new curriculum, ATA president calls for process to ‘stop’

Alberta postpones new math, English curriculum for grades 4-6 to September 2023

Alberta to introduce new curriculum in phased approach based on subject and age

Changes being made by UCP government concerning

Former Alberta Education staffer warned that curriculum approach could tank international rankings

Alberta Education looks to fill 3 high-level curriculum jobs — no classroom experience necessary

Experts, parents demand province ‘go back to the drawing board’ following ATA curriculum report

Alberta Teachers’ Association revives concerns over K-6 school curriculum

‘Our voices aren’t being heard:’ Rally held to protest Alberta’s K-12 curriculum rewrite

Opinion: Why Kenney won’t back down on curriculum

Opinion: Seeing who is reflected in Alberta’s school curriculum

Alberta government brings back 8 curriculum advisers to work on higher grades

Opinion: What will it take for LaGrange to heed criticism of draft curriculum?

Curriculum needs to be put back in hands of community and educational experts

Letter to the Editor, Vermillion and Area Voice (p. 5)

How Alberta’s Curriculum Went Bonkers

Too much missing in Alberta’s draft Language Arts Curriculum

Opinion: Is Alberta’s draft curriculum for K-6 really knowledge-rich?

Opinion: In defence of Alberta’s proposed elementary school curriculum

Indigenous Perspectives

Reconciliation and Residential Schools: Canadians need new stories to face a future better than what we inherited

When should Canadians begin learning about residential schools? Experts say kindergarten

UCP draft curriculum for K to Grade 6 has inside-the-fort logic all over it, says professor


Albertans deserve ‘re-do’ of proposed K-6 math curriculum

Physical Education & Wellness

LaGrange delays most of new K-6 curriculum

Opinion: No means no for Alberta’s draft curriculum

Alberta’s draft K-6 health and wellness curriculum promotes disordered eating habits, experts warn


Dr. Sarah Eaton’s analysis of plagiarism in the draft Alberta K-6 curriculum has been cited in over 60 news outlets worldwide. A sample is provided below.

Parts of Alberta’s draft school curriculum plagiarized, academic finds

Academic finds sections of Alberta’s draft school curriculum are plagiarized

Alberta government defends draft K-6 curriculum against backlash, plagiarism allegations

Social Studies

Alberta’s social studies curriculum design has gone woefully wrong

Opinion: Gaps, issues remain with new K-6 social studies curriculum draft

Alberta’s ‘Astonishingly Bad’ New K-6 Social Studies Curriculum

Academics concerned over Alberta’s K-6 social studies draft curriculum

Opinion: Why Alberta’s new social studies curriculum gets a failing grade

‘Profoundly disappointing’: Education experts weigh in on how the draft social studies curriculum missed the mark

Alberta’s ‘astonishingly bad’ K-6 social studies curriculum appears to have been ‘designed for home schooling’

New Draft Alberta K-12 Curriculum Criticized For Not Being Much Of An Improvement From 2021 Version (Yahoo News)

Alberta government releases latest draft of new social studies curriculum

Expert calls Alberta’s latest social studies curriculum draft ‘Eurocentric’

Des professionnels de l’éducation critiquent le programme d’études sociales albertain

Group consulted about Alberta social studies curriculum disavows new draft

Alberta social studies curriculum being tested by a handful of private school teachers only

‘A political football’: Concern over Alberta’s premier pushing U.S.-style views on school curriculum

This Is ‘Kenneyism’ (The Tyee)

LaGrange delays most of new K-6 curriculum

The Sprawl: How will Alberta’s social studies curriculum size up?

Progress Report: FOIP shows possible political interference in curriculum drafting process

Opinion: Why Kenney won’t back down on curriculum

Reconciliation and Residential Schools: Canadians need new stories to face a future better than what we inherited