Across the Curriculum
Opinion: Why Kenney won’t back down on curriculum
Angela Grace, PhD (Registered Psychologist)Dr. Grace is a Registered Psychologist, national eating disorder prevention specialist, and former elementary teacher passionate about youth health and well-being and trauma-informed teacher training in educational settings.
Opinion: Seeing who is reflected in Alberta’s school curriculum
Dr. Kristopher Wells, Associate Professor in the Department of Child and Youth Care and Canada Research Chair in the Public Understanding of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth at MacEwan University, writes about the need for LGBTQ2 representation in the K-6 curriculum.
St. Albert Public Schools draft curriculum review
Read the assessment of the draft K-6 curriculum from St. Albert Public Schools.
Knowledge rich or just fake knowledge?
Dr. Mackey asks whether the draft “knowledge-rich” curriculum will provide children with real knowledge or if it is a “learning-poor” curriculum instead.
Risking the love of learning: Considering motivation in the draft curriculum
Lia Daniels, PhD, discusses the role of motivation in learning and how the draft curriculum may affect students’ love of learning.
Opinion: What will it take for LaGrange to heed criticism of draft curriculum?
Carla Peck, PhDDr. Peck researches the teaching and learning of history and citizenship, the role of identity in students’ historical understandings and uses of the past, and teachers’ and students’ understandings of democratic concepts.
Curriculum needs to be put back in hands of community and educational experts
Angela Grace, PhD (Registered Psychologist)Dr. Grace is a Registered Psychologist, national eating disorder prevention specialist, and former elementary teacher passionate about youth health and well-being and trauma-informed teacher training in educational settings.